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Monday 10 September

Nothing about China today. The big news is that Frances participated in the annual Eryldene Retro Bridal Fashion Parade yesterday at the the historic house of Eryldene in Sydney.

View of Eryldene from the front garden
This is an annual event at Eryldene, which was the home of Eban Gowrie  (EG) Waterhouse. He was  Master of Modern Languages at Sydney Grammar School then Senior Lecturer in Modern languages from 1913 to 1925 at Sydney Teachers College. His wife Janet Waterhouse had a Masters degree in Modern Languages from Glasgow University and was founding president of the Sydney Chapter of Ikebana International.
Brides Revisited: Frances in the yellow
dress at the right. The Sun-Herald

The house was designed by William Hardy Wilson and begun in 1913. It underwent many additions over the years  and it’s garden is magnificent. The house and garden represent a genteel way of life, tranquil, devoted to culture, beauty, and good taste.

It was in this environment that Frances participated in the fashion parade. She can be seen in the photo wearing the yellow dress with the very large shoulders.

Eryldene website.

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