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Monday 03 September

Aussie apron
Big day today, first teaching day, two double periods of 3rd year students. It all went well fortunately, despite some technical hitches – so what’s new?

The Australiana, especially the Aussie apron, went well and helped to lightened the mood. It was funny when I was describing my background and said that I was born in 1950 – I could see them all counting and having surprised looks on their faces.

I can see that the oral component will be difficult as the were all inclined to speak very softly individually, although they were fine when speaking as a group.

Tianning Temple
Tianning Temple roof detail
In the afternoon I caught the bus into town to have a look around. I’m very aware of being in a foreign country. It’s very mono-cultural, and even the college has students predominantly from the region. Virtually no-one speaks English so buying anything is always an adventure.

They recognise me now at the local supermarket and the dictionary app in the phone has been really useful when trying to explain what I want.

I again visited Tianning Temple and it was good having a bit more time. A  new temple building is being constructed and it was good seeing the construction techniques.

 Meanwhile, I was looking to buy some new sandals but found the largest size carried in any store is size 44, and my feet are 45! I can see that this will be a problem – I’m taller and larger than the locals by a reasonable margin.

Student acommodation
View of the college dorms and local
food stalls from the main road.
Back at the college everything is in full swing – the dormitories are full and there are large queues at the canteen at meal times. Fortunately there is a teachers’ service section. Speaking of accommodation, I now appreciate the luxury that I have – a two room unit, double bed, TV, bathroom, balcony kitchen and laundry, refrigerator and air conditioning. The photos show the student accommodation – 6 to a room, wooden bunks, almost no storage and a small shower/toilet (hole in floor style).

OK, now a little bit about food. Today at lunchtime and dinner I used the cafeteria. My smart card now has credit, so purchasing food is just a matter of passing my card over the detector at the cashier – no more hassling for change. Again the food is incredibly cheap, around $1 for a meal and very good. I’ve had to revise my attitude towards Chinese food, especially the vegetarian dishes. Some can be a bit oily, and there are some things I haven’t dared to try, but there has always been a big range on offer.

Chinese mandarins (less the two I ate)
 This evening I  took a risk and bought some green fruit that looked like mandarins from a local stall near the college. 6 of them cost 30C! anyway I had a couple with some grapes and rock-melon that I already had at home and they were great.

They tasted like sweet  mandarins, but with a slightly tart lime flavour.

Ahhhh it’s all an adventure!

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