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Friday 28 December

Our hosts for the concert
Parody of a Ming dynasty situation
This evening the students put on and end-of year concert, mainly for their own enjoyment, but there were some teachers there too.

Earlier in the week the nursing students also staged one, but unfortunately I was too sick with a cold to attend. Although I arrived on time, the theatre was virtually full, but fortunately some good seats were reserved for teachers, so I had a great view. I was relieved because, although the side door was open to the cold night air, I was sufficiently buffered by the audience.

Boy group about to perform
The eerie performance with
flourescent figures
The performances themselves were incredibly varied, from theatrical pieces, game show parodies, dance pieces, singing and fashion parades.

For me, the singing was the least interesting although it is very popular here – like KTV (Karaoke TV).

For me the most entertaining performance was by a group of quit skinny guys doing semi-synchronised movements to various pieces of music – they were popular with the audience too.

It was quite toungue-in-cheek and pretty corny, but still pretty funny at the same time. Also interesting was another group who wore flourescent tubing taped to their clothes and switched parts of their bodies on and off.

Included below is a short video of some of the acts to give you a taste of the evening.

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